Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Internet is so important!

This few days, I can really feel that internet is freaking important in my daily life!

When I want to check the latest football results and watch some football highlights, I am sitting in front of tv, waiting for the TV1 sports news. Damn, I don't have internet or astro at home, I can't even update those results.

When I want to search for the travel guide regarding my trip next month, I am totally lost. I really need internet to search everything!

When I am boring, I can only watch drama. I can't even surf net, sien lo...

Ooh yeah, kill Chelsea!!!

Finally, Chelsea was beaten again! Good job Van Persie, nice goals!

To: "O Lang",

Your ugly type of football lousy ler... Beautiful football kills you, hehe...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"O Lang"

"O Lang",

you are talking too much! When you are injured, please get lost and shut up! You might not be Chelsea first choice anymore when you recover! You should comment after you win EPL or Champion League for Chelsea end of this season!

"O Lang",

still early season, don't so lansi la! Chelsea sell you, then only you know!

"O Lang",

you are so ugly, you are not able to play beautiful football la! Please back to your ugly football, it suits you more!

"O Lang" said:

''For me, I don't care,''

''To be rough and get three points, or play well and get three points - win ugly or beautifully - I don't care.''

"O Lang" is in the picture below:

You can see la, how ugly he is?

"No dicrimination ya, hehe... ..."

Killing MU with a broken gun!

If you are arsenal supporter, I think you will get angry and frustrated with those news about how suck is arsenal, they don't have the strength, potential and ability to beat MU because they are without forwards Robin Van Persie, Emmanuel Adebayor and Theo Walcott. While, they describe MU manager Alex Ferguson, whose team overflow with talent and confident, look a bullet too many for Arsenal!

Look at the picture below:

You see Wenger is gona to fight like this, with the weapon in his hand, you think he is gona to lose out easily?

(The freaking line is bloody hell slow, I will upload the other picture later.)

The end results of the saturday match was a 2-1 win for arsenal against MU. These are some of the comments at the end of the match.

Ruud from UTP say: "MU pang zui, let arsenal win nia!" "su bu qi ah?"

Jack from UTP say: "A new prince is born at the Emirates - Samir Nasri."

I say: "C'est pour toi, Arsenal! Se perdre, MU!"

(Translation: It's for you, arsenal! Get lost, MU!)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sleep = Rest

"A nice sleep = A nice rest = A good day"

Having a nice sleep at night is freaking important for me, arghhhh... ... I don't know, maybe it is not important for others? I don't like to get disturb when I am sleeping! Maybe I am too easy to stay awake by noise or light? A nice sleep can really help to rest my mind and recharge myself after a busy day!

You see, how nice to sleep? Agree?

~I need a nice sleep and rest~

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What happen to Arsenal?

Arsenal is not performing this season, so sad to see they are not playing well!

Leading 4-2 during tottenham match, but ended up with a draw, WTF!

Stoke City had beaten Arsenal with two stupid throws? Defend please, don't sleep already!

Arsenal will face MU during the weekend. Hopefully they can bounce back!

Exam coming!

Finally, 14 weeks of lectures end already. This week is my study week, still not really have the mood to start up my engine. Surprise, this is the first time I have only 4 subjects for the coming final exam. For the previous few semesters, there were always 6 or 7 subjects for the final exam, so tough! I want to settle this exam as soon as possible and go back hometown. I need a long break because the stupid internship had taken 2 of my semester breaks. I don't have any long break since July 2007.

~I want a long break,phew~

~Go back sp yumcha and lepak~

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

308 - 826 - 916

国阵 VS 民联

  1. 我们还应该相信国阵吗?
  2. 我们应该相信民联吗?
  3. 阿都拉太怕纳吉了,对吗?
  4. 纳吉好吗?(纳吉的老婆实在“懒屎”,“赌烂”看到她的脸!)
  5. 安华好吗?(安华的老婆有“料”,是“医生”,不错!)
  6. 汽油不要降价了,好吗?(我愿意接受RM2。70,因为降15仙,真的是没有FEEL啦!)
  7. 如果安华是首相,副首相会是谁?(林冠英还是林吉祥?)
  8. 308 精彩吗?
  9. 826的安华是真的吗?
  10. 916 会发生吗?
  11. 马来西亚,你还好吗?
  12. 我感觉不好,钱不够用啊!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Talent

Arsenal 1 - 0 West Bromwich Albion

He is Samir Nasri, the new talent for gunners. He scored a nice goal against West Bromwich Albion last night. I hope he can score more goals for Arsenal in this new season.

Arsenal RULES!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Industrial Internship In Puchong Jaya (2)

During my training, I feel pretty fed up with the engineer sometimes... Lots of requests, orders and complaints from him! He never feels proud with this bunch of trainees to help him with all the bloody hell tasks to be completed. He thinks he is always right and won't make mistakes.

Stress... Work together with this f**ker! Guess what I do? I release stress by drawing and writing something about him on a piece of paper and paste it on my table. When people in the office walk through my table, they can have a look on it...

Here is the picture:

Nice anot my message to him?

Friday, August 15, 2008



  1. 在这个社会真的有好人。。。
  2. 一些人乐于助人,不计较回报。
  3. 一些人爱帮人,但不是出自内心,计较回报。
  4. 一些人却是“独面侠”,单独行动。
  5. 也有一些半好半坏的人,让我们猜猜他们在想法。。。
  6. 再有一些扮好心的人,带着面具,要提防!
  7. 还有一些人愿意被人欺负,真是不明白。。。
  8. 一些人则喜欢欺负人,沾人便宜,“赌烂”这些人。。。
  9. 一些人的情绪起伏不定,一天可以360度旋转!
  10. 有人只会讲,不会做!
  11. 有人以实际行动,不多废话!

Some picture inside my handphone

The build in camera of my first handphone was too "louya" already, the photo taken was just blur, see liao also sien and bo mood... Now, this one is still fine, got 2 Mega Pixels, consider can meet the minimum requirement, right?

It's very nice to have a build in camera in my handphone. Whenever I see anything I like, I can just take my handphone to snap and snap and snap... When I am too boring, I will have a glance of it lo,hehe...

Here are some photo from my handphone:

1. Stage design during Christmas and Chinese New Year at One Utama Shopping Mall. Which one looks nicer?

2. Traffic light get us in trouble sometimes! We need to "pandai pandai" and decide when to go!
Ready to go? (Left)
Ready to stop? (Right)

3. If you have a kancil, have you ever think of modifying it? I have some suggestions on how to to upgrade your SLK (Small Little Kancil)...

(From The Star)

(From a hotel at Teluk Batik, Perak)

4. One of the mamak in Taman Perindustrian Puchong Jaya is really a copy cat. This shop just make use of McD logo to tell people that they are operating 24 hours!

5. This message is very funny. It is a message to my friend written by his mum. His mum worries he don't know how to use the cloth, haha...

6. I always snap a photo when I park my car at the shopping mall. I can't memorize where I park my car, I sure will forget it when I want to go home... Finding a car at a big car park can really make us CRAZIE!

(a) B7 : easy to memorize ^^

(b) B1-1J-22 : SO LONG!

(C) CP6 : oklo...

(d) B3 K11 : Quite hard to memorize too!

(e) The Street - H8 - Level B1 : Really can remember ah?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Industrial Internship In Puchong Jaya (1)

A 8 months escape from UTP is a joyous sense of freedom for me.

Time flies, I spend 8 months for my training in Puchong Jaya with 3 of my buddies (Jason, Sim & Derrick) from UTP. During the training, we stay at Taman Puncak Kinrara together with one of the company engineer and the other trainee from Pahang.

I want to highlight one of the precious moment together. Staying together with the others in the same apartment will definitely make us shock and nearly faint sometimes. People's attitude will make us fed up as well. The trainee from Pahang make us tulan him the most. His full name is Ngeau KXXX Keong, we call him Keong usually. But, my manager is so creative, he comes with the idea calling him Ngeau (ngeau = 'cow' in Cantonese).

Here comes the story... ...

After few months staying together, I start beh tahan that ngeau, he really beh paise. Tat ngeau puts all his TESCO brand can drinks into the mini fridge without asking the permission from the owner at all. Jason is the one who brings this mini fridge from home. Can you imagine the space for a MINI fridge? How BIG it is? Tat ngeau starts to make people to tulan him. He occupies most of the space and mess up our stuff in the mini fridge. I pek cek and remove all his drinks from the mini fridge. Then, i ask Jason to write a message for that ngeau. This is the message written by Jason to ngeau.

What i can say is, this message really works. That ngeau turns into a MAD COW after reading the message and realize all of his drinks are OUT of the fridge! Thanks to Jason, he has a very good skills writing message to change the ngeau into a mad cow, EXCELLENT... ...

Friday, July 25, 2008





1。 可爱的凑成一团睡觉。。。



Wednesday, June 4, 2008


RM1.92 to RM2.70

Simple mathematical calculation:
RM2.70 - RM1.92 = RM0.78

Pak Lah ah, Pak Lah ... ...
You really keep your promise, raise the petrol price again and again ... ...
Can't you wait another 2 months, subsidies more for our petrol, help those poor a little bit more (I'm included).
If you can't help with it, it's time to step down already.

Look at the picture (Right),
He smiles and looks so happy. TL see his face, "pui"... ...

The paragraph below is from malaysia kini,


Tuesday, June 3, 2008




它的鼎鼎大名,闻名遐迩,是许多十常北上南下的游子的"首选"!当然,我也不例外,在刚出来读书的那几年,我经常选择它,喜欢它够快,够准时,够舒服,够新,等等... ...



1. 巴士司机太过分了!(在高速公路上,它"割"车时,差那么一点点就"干掉"我的车了!这样的情况,绝对不是发生一次!)
2. 车祸发生率与死亡率实在"够低","够力"... ...
3. 巴士的时速表最高是120km/h,为什么当我的车速是120km/h时,它还是"割"我?
4. 暂停营业不到一个月,6月3日的今天,我还看到那么多这个"吊"公司的巴士在pudu前面走来走去,载得满满的!Pudu Jail对面的警察果然负责任,不是他们的事,尽量少管"闲事",享用他们喝的茶(Teh Tarik)!
5. 它的巴士排出太多黑烟,弄到我的车太肮脏了,"吊"它!

应该还有更多的理由... ...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


我对现在的实习感到透不过气来了,工作的劳累,“吊”他妈的公司 - Solution

“吊”你的公司,“吊”那吝啬的幕后主持人 - 死“BALI”。。。

4个员工已辞职,对我而言,这是可喜可贺,心里只有一个字 - “爽”


Monday, May 19, 2008


想名字也那么难??? "吊"! (公司经理一天到晚都在讲吊!我也受到他人所影响,开始学会烂用这个字 - "吊")

我为了部落格的名字, 深思了, 绞尽了脑汁...
当我想到了名字, 身边有人说"难听", 没有"创意", 还有一堆堆意见...

我就"青菜"给了它一个名 - "无名氏"!